“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Nikola Tesla

“Be alone, that is the secret of invention; be alone, that is when ideas are born.”

Nikola Tesla

Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine”

Nikola Tesla

“The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.”

Nikola Tesla

Invention is the most important product of man's creative brain. The ultimatepurpose is the complete mastery of mind over the material world, the harnessing of human nature to human needs.”

Nikola Tesla

Who are we?

NMT Electronics is a worldwide society of electronic engineers and enthusiasts. We are engaged in the process of research, design, and development of different electronic products and solutions, and their relevant resources. We are involved in different fields of electronics with the goal of achieving end-applications and solutions for users, learners, and developers alike. We aim to contribute positively in the world of electronic products and resources, as well as participating in the worldwide market of open-source solutions and media.

What do we do?

NMT Electronics delivers a unique mixture of both profit and non-profit solutions and resources for its society. In addition of developing our own experimental commercial products from while to while, and providing paid engineering services, we are focused on delivering open-source Edtech frameworks to the electronics society worldwide, hardware- and software-wise. Additionally, we have established our own public online media platform for publication of crucial informational resources of the field.

We aim to ..

To deliver the finest of our electronic products and resources through the implementation of modern technologies and great minds working together, positively contributing in a world of rapidly-growing modern electronic solutions. We look forward to leave a positive signature in the worldwide market of open-source solutions and media, by facilitating the way for learners and intermediates alike to find their passion in the different fields of electronics.

We are inspired by ..

The legendary American-Serbian inventor and electro-mechanical engineer Nikola Tesla, the team’s ultimate role model in invention and creation, and the “smartest man alive”, according to Albert Einstein. “NMT” represents the name initials of Tesla

Our strategy ..

Istrive to implement the finest and latest technologies and tools of the field, whether it is used in the product itself, or in the design and development process. Nevertheless, we are committed to maintain a reasonable balance with the affordability and demand of what we do. We are application-oriented, and we care a lot about the simplicity, compatibility, modularity, and usability.

Origin and Business

NMT Electronics has started unofficially in Amman, Jordan as of May 2018, as a proposed startup for affordable electronic home automation solutions. The business has started with the “Sentry” home security system, a simple, yet an effective and reliable multi-node portable wireless solution. The product has been sold to a customer and

is operating successfully since then, encouraging further realizations.

Starting from 2019, we have been more focused on delivering more advanced and diverse smart automation and IoT solutions, as well as starting the research and development process of our open-source educational solutions.

Starting from November 2020, the team expanded and started the progress of development and publication officially. Since then, the progress has been redirecting towards interacting with the worldwide society, by facilitating the access to our resources digitally, focusing on intellectual delivery of products and services, as well as inviting collaborators and participants from all over the world.

As of year 2021, NMT Electronics is the DBA name of the registered AT Technologies LLC in Wyoming, USA. With people working together from several parts of the world.


Corporate Partners

Dixit Systems

Powering our E-Resources databaste with the CADFlux online 3D viewer

PowerOn Tech

Collaborating with in the field smart reneweble energy products


Patnering to offer one-stop design and manufacturing services to our clients


Monarch Musical

Blue Moon Design